Springbox works to connect trustworthy nonprofit agencies with Indian corporate donors. We know that grassroots nonprofits are best able to assess and address community needs, but that most lack sufficient funding. With the implementation of the Companies Act 2013, Indian corporates are starting to reassess their CSR policies and practices. Our goal is to help build trust between the private sector and nonprofits, resulting in more effective partnerships and investments.
The power and potential of uniting minds on a cause has been the driving force behind Springbox. Bringing the best of India to India’s service is our motto. Having directly observed the enhancements in reach, quality and impacts of projects driven by multi-sectoral partners, Amaltas set up its Springbox initiative. Springbox is supported by the Amaltas Consulting and The Research Group practice arms of Amaltas.
What Springbox can do for you:
- We increase your visibility among the corporate sector by serving as an intermediary agency.
- We help match like-minded nonprofits and corporate donors based on compatibility of geographic and thematic interests.
- We provide nonprofit capacity building support to maximize your chances of future funding.
- We provide first-class reporting services to improve corporate satisfaction.
To learn more about Springbox and what we do, please contact us at info@amaltas.asia or at 011-4063-4810.